Using Update Rates and Rules

You can easily change the rates and estimate rules of the workfile. After you select a rate table and estimate rules, the rates and rules from that profile are applied to the estimate. You can apply the new labor rates retroactively by selecting that option in the Overwrite existing rates screen. The labor rate calculation amounts are added to the current preliminary supplement. Locked estimate amounts are not changed.

To update rates and rules in a workfile

  1. Open the workfile, and then create a supplement.
  2. Select the Update Rates and Rules button on the toolbar. The Update Rates and Rules dialog box opens.
  3. Select the profile from the list.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Yes to overwrite the existing rates in the preliminary supplement. The new rates and rules are applied to the workfile.
  6. Select Save or Save and Close.


Workfile - Rates Tab

Screen Description

Update Rates and Rules Screen







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